BENEFICIARY- USA Patriots Serving Beyond the Uniform



Kids Camp is a program established in 2014 as a result of organizational growth. Our athletes were eager to give back and while on the road had come across many kids who were finally meeting an adult who looked like they did. Having grown into our largest program, Kids Camp is now supported by our Kids Camp Annual Fund and looks to raise $180,000 annually. Through this effort, we are able to bring 20 children (between 8-12 years old) with amputations or limb loss for a week-long camp, all expenses paid! Our veterans serve as coaches and mentors for these children, teaching them adaptive techniques and life lessons. There is amazing power through putting Heroes on a field with children, all of whom can relate to living a life without limbs."




A few excerpts from The Morrison County Record- 

"Ellie was born with a left limb, with the arm cutting off just below the elbow. At first, she used prosthetics, but stopped using them since they always kind of got in the way, she said. Instead, she found a way to do things her way"

"Ellie said she and her dad had a great time at the camp. Besides the opportunity to play a variety of sports, the children and the parents had a chance to bond and to take part in different activities, such as zip lining, rock climbing, pool party day and more."

"The last day, the 20 kids formed two teams and played against each other, at the James Madison University, July 29 — an experience both Matt and Ellie found to be very cool.

“We actually got to use their practice facilities the whole time and on game day, we played on their baseball field and had the whole stadium,” Matt said."

 "The father-daughter team made several friends during the camp. Matt said one dad said they were going to change his son’s batting stance when playing baseball after watching how Ellie did it."

Full article found here.


A note from another mom in the BLA

"The big game day came…. Crazy moms and dads in the stands… the public, college students, moose lodge members cheering for our kids. It was incredible. Landon was decked out in baseball gear and blue eye paint to show he was there, and he meant business. It was the Red Athletes versus the Easton Blues. Every kid got to bat, every kid got to run, and every kid got to field the ball. It was magical. Confidence beaming from every single child on that field. Landon made a triple play, he brought 3 kids to home plate, batting with one hand, no knuckles, and looked like a damn pro. I cried…. I cried the happiest tears of my entire life. This boy that I love with all my might was SO Happy…. The happiest I have ever seen him in our time together as mother and son. It was so incredible, magical and almost like a dream.

The next morning, we packed up and started our adventure home… he cried… he cried so hard and he cried again as we said goodbye to the other BLA & Minnesota families… all the way from the plane to the baggage claim. We are so blessed."
